Sunday, February 3, 2008

Slide show added

I finally had time, or rather took the time to figure out how to add a slide show of the pictures I took while in Haiti. Several people have asked me if I could put more pictures up so they could see them. If you want to see larger pictures than appear on this blog, click on the picture and it will take you to a web album, where you can see the larger version.

The second team has returned home safely. They accomplished a lot while they were there. The new well was drilled and they put in the solar powered pump. The pump would not run at first, and after several calls to the manufacturer and the dealer, they did get it going, and it is pumping water into the tank which is on top of the boys dorm.

For those of you who want to know more about Lifeline, a new website is available. The address is You will learn much more there than I am able to tell you, so instead of duplicating information, I will direct you there.

Continue to pray for Lifeline, the kids, and especially Nicole and Daniel


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